What should you expect at your first appointment?
When you book your initial appointment there are a few things I want to let you know in advance, especially if you’ve never experienced acupuncture before.
The first is that acupuncture is a holistic approach to the body; we can’t separate your emotions from your digestion, or your digestion from your brain fog, or really anything from anything else. We see your body as an ecosystem where all systems are interconnected and interdependent, versus a machine with separate parts that can be tinkered with, maintained, or replaced without affecting the whole. Your new patient paperwork is long and detailed so I can get a picture of how all your systems are working. I want to work with you as a whole person, not just with your shoulder pain, your high work stress, or your heartburn.
The second thing is that many people are nervous about needles at their first appointment. I want you to know that very few of them still feel nervous after the first needle is placed! If you’re someone interested in acupuncture but not sure how to get yourself past the needle factor, here’s what I tell people: you are in control of your treatment. I have tools available to me other than needles. Needles are usually the most effective option, but that doesn’t matter if you’re unable to relax on the table, walk through the door, or even make an appointment. Your comfort is vital to this process.
The final thing is that acupuncture is a cumulative process. Often, the initial session affects first-time recipients dramatically. Other times the wow-factor is missing, but over time, patients experience transformative results. I want to have an open discussion with you regarding your timeline and motivation levels regarding our work together. Many people walk through my door after a lifetime of hard living, with long lists of ailments or complaints. Unfortunately, these issues do not generally resolve overnight. Whether you’re coming in for general wellness or with a long list, I approach your health as a team effort. When you make an appointment it’s as if you asked me to join your team. I could be your first team member or you could already have a well developed team including: massage therapists, chiropractors, your primary care physician, physical therapy, an emotional therapist, a supportive partner or family members, and/or anyone else you consider to be important to your wellness. Acupuncture is a fantastic addition to your healthcare team. Just as you have to continuously keep your house clean, you have to regularly maintain your body. If you’ve never approached your health in this way and you’re not even sure where the broom or mop bucket are, so to speak, you’re welcome to start now!
If you’d like to see my treatment space, click here! If you would like to make an appointment, call or text me at (808) 542-1344.