What is this Chinese medicine stuff?
Acupuncture is an incredibly powerful tool which can be used to treat almost anything, depending on the skill and training of the practitioner. The most commonly treated complaints include: pain of any type, mental-emotional conditions, hormonal conditions, colds and flus, headaches and migraines, digestive issues, chronic and degenerative conditions, and trauma.
Acupuncture utilizes the insertion of extremely finely gauged needles (average 0.20 mm in diameter) into the skin in order to affect the flow of vital energy in the body, which we call Qi (chee). I like to describe the process in terms of electronics: we can think of disease (dis-ease), whether it’s pain or otherwise, as an interruption in the flow of energy in our body. When the flow is interrupted the light won’t turn on when you flip the light switch; acupuncture helps the body repair the impacted circuit so the light can regain access to the energy required for the light to shine.
Most people’s first question about acupuncture is: “will it hurt?” My answer is that acupuncture is usually an incredibly relaxing experience. There is occasionally mild discomfort which is very short-lived. The vast majority of patients do not experience any pain or discomfort. I like to remind patients at their first visit, if they feel nervous about the introduction of the needles, that we don’t need to use needles for every point or for every treatment. I have other modalities described below which can be utilized instead if we need to.